Meeting your PSSR 2000 responsibilities
All compressed air users are or should be aware of the dangers surrounding the use of pressure equipment. The bottom line is that system failure can lead to serious or even fatal injury and can cause serious damage to property.
The Pressure Systems Safety Regulations 2000 (PSSR 2000) were introduced to protect users from the hazard of stored energy (pressure). They include a statutory requirement for users (or owners) of compressed air systems operating at 250 bar litres or higher, to have a Written Scheme of Examination (WSE) in place.
A WSE is essentially a report that details safety devices and components associated with a system’s pressure vessels, identifies any necessary modifications, and ascertains required inspection intervals. It ensures that the user (or owner) can demonstrate that they are aware of the safe operating limits of their systems, and that they are safe under those conditions.
Visit the HSE website for further information on PSSR 2000 and what it means in practice.
Helping you to comply
As well as the welfare implications of not having a WSE in place, failure to comply with PSSR is a criminal offence and can lead to prosecution and unlimited fines.
BCAS works with highly qualified and experienced consultants who are able to carry out examinations and provide certification of a WSE being in place. If you need an inspection or are unsure as to whether you need a WSE, please contact the BCAS team and we can help.